Pharmacy assistants support licensed pharmacists and are responsible for preparing and dispensing medicines correctly. Whether they’re filling in prescriptions or delivering treatments to customers, their role is crucial to maintaining a well-run pharmacy. But how do you write a pharmacy assistant CV that ticks every box?

At myPerfectCV, we’ve got the ideal remedy. Below, you’ll find top tips, a professional pharmacy assistant CV example, and our trusted CV builder – everything you need to create your application. It’s quick and easy to get started today!


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    Experienced pharmacy assistant CV example

    Pharmacy assistant templates

    Dispense a personal statement that keeps your recruiter reading

    Your personal statement is one of the most important sections of your CV. In just 2-3 lines, you need to grab your recruiter’s attention and show (but not tell) them that you’re the best candidate for the role.

    A good personal statement should outline your current employment – you could describe yourself as a ‘school leaver’ or ‘college graduate’ if you’re applying for your first role – and your key professional attributes. That might be a pharmaceutical qualification or a relevant skill.

    As in our UK pharmacy assistant CV sample, keep your personal statement brief but eye-catching to make your recruiter want to know more.

    Prepare your application with top tips for your pharmacy assistant CV

    Writing a pharmacy assistant CV can be tough – but our top tips can sweeten the pill. Discover what UK recruiters want to see in your application today.

    • Highlight your qualifications

      You don’t necessarily need any qualifications to apply for an entry-level pharmacy assistant role, so if you do have relevant training, this is a great way to stand out. Whether it’s a Level 2 Certificate in Pharmaceutical Science, an undergraduate degree, or HIPAA training, make sure to highlight this on your CV.

    • Use keywords from the pharmacy assistant job description

      Many recruiters use applicant tracking software (ATS) to filter for the most relevant CVs – so don’t let yours slip through the net. By including keywords and phrases from the pharmacy assistant role description, you can make sure your application is seen by an actual recruiter.

    • Show off your interpersonal skills

      Whether they’re serving customers or calling GPs on the phone, pharmacy assistants need to have excellent interpersonal skills. Don’t forget to include your soft skills on your CV, such as communication, problem-solving, and confidentiality.

    • Mention the metrics

      If you delivered medicines to hospital wards in just 10 minutes or served an average of 15 people a day, mention the metrics on your CV. It will help a recruiter to quantify your success and is a lot more compelling than a list of your everyday duties.

    • Proofread your application

      Pharmacy assistants need an excellent eye for detail to help them weigh medicine and fill out prescriptions accurately. To show you’re up to the task, make sure that your CV is completely error-free. A typo could suggest that you’re slapdash!

    What skills should you include in your pharmacy assistant CV?

    To be a great pharmacy assistant, you need a healthy dose of the right hard and soft skills. Discover what recruiters want to see on your CV below.

    Top skills for your pharmacy assistant CV

    • Communication
    • Detail-orientated
    • Writing prescriptions
    • Customer service
    • Numeracy
    • Knowledge of medicine regulations

    Extra skills that will help you stand out

    • Record keeping
    • Confidentiality
    • Teamwork
    • Organization
    • Multitasking
    • Inventory management

    FAQs about your UK pharmacy assistant CV

    What are the duties and responsibilities of a pharmacy assistant?

    A pharmacy assistant is responsible for carrying out day-to-day duties within a pharmacy (this could be a chemist or a hospital dispensary). Their responsibilities include dispensing medicines and writing prescriptions under the instruction of a licensed pharmacist, taking stock checks and labelling different medication in the inventory, and serving customers at the front desk.

    What skills do you need to be a pharmacy assistant?

    To become a pharmacy assistant, you need to have a strong combination of hard and soft skills to carry out the pharmacy assistant duties and responsibility. These include numeracy, record keeping, communication, confidentiality, knowledge of medical terminology, and an excellent telephone manner.

    How do you write a pharmacy assistant CV?

    The way you write your pharmacy assistant CV will depend on the amount of experience you have. Some applicants will have graduated from a college course, while others could be applying straight out of school. It’s always important to highlight your relevant experience on your pharmacy assistant CV, so make sure to include a work experience section even if you’re applying for an entry-level role. You can include any roles or experiences that have furnished you with transferrable skills, such as numeracy or customer service.

    How do I become a pharmacy assistant UK?


    Sarah Garcia
    Agent d’entretien
    06 12 34 56 78
    94 rue de la Mare aux Carats
    34080, Montpellier


    Agent d’entretien minutieuse, avec cinq années d’expérience approfondie dans les collectivités et centres hospitaliers. Professionnelle indépendante et consciencieuse avec d’excellentes compétences en matière de nettoyage et de désinfection de différents espaces résidentiels et professionnels. Prête à aider aux petites tâches de jardinage, d’aménagement paysager et d’entretien léger.


    • Rédaction de rapports de suivi
    • Gestion des stocks
    • Vérification du fonctionnement des installations
    • Sélection des produits d’entretien
    • Nettoyage des parties communes
    • Gestion des encombrants
    • Aspiration et lavage des sols


    Agent d’entretien

    10/2017 – Actuel

    CHU de Montpellier, Montpellier

    • Supervision des services de blanchisserie du bâtiment, notamment le lavage, le séchage, le pliage et le rangement du linge.
    • Suivi de l’utilisation et de la demande pour assurer de bons niveaux de fournitures de nettoyage..
    • Lavage des vitres, des surfaces en verre et des miroirs pour donner une apparence professionnelle et propre aux zones réservées au public et aux employés.

    Agent d’entretien polyvalent

    01/2016 – 09/2017

    EHPAD Résidence Les Glycines, Montpellier

    • Respect des procédures de manipulation, de stockage, de mélange et d’application lors de l’utilisation de détergents et de produits chimiques.
    • Nettoyage des salles de bains : vidage des poubelles, essuyage des plans de travail et désinfection des toilettes, des lavabos et des baignoires pour assurer des niveaux d’hygiène élevés.
    • Cirage des meubles et des accessoires pour assurer la brillance et la fraîcheur de l’ensemble

    Agent d’entretien

    01/2015 – 12/2015

    Mairie de Lunel, Lunel, Hérault

    • Nettoyage et entretien des locaux et des espaces verts des collectivités en veillant à la bonne utilisation des produits.
    • Évacuation des déchets ménagers en sortant les différents conteneurs, selon les jours de passage mentionnés sur le planning de collecte, entretien du local vide-ordures.
    • Réalisation d’un nettoyage quotidien en profondeur : dépoussiérage et nettoyage des bouches de ventilation du plafond, des surfaces et des plans de travail.


    CAP Agent de Propreté et d’Hygiène : Service

    Lycée professionnel Jules Ferry, Montpellier, 06/2014

    How much do pharmacy assistants get paid in the UK?

    The National Careers Service states that the average salary bracket for a pharmacy assistant in the UK is £18,000 to £21,142 a year. Your salary may depend on your experience level, location, and whether you work in a private chemist of NHS hospital dispensary.

    Cure application anxiety with a new pharmacy assistant CV

    Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced pharmacy assistant, you’ll need a professional CV if you want to take the next step in your career. Discover our top tips and pharmacy assistant CV sample, then create your own using our tried-and-tested CV builder.


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