Psychologists help people to make sense of the world around them. Whatever their specialism, these highly-trained professionals can assist patients struggling with a range of mental health problems, from anxiety and addiction to depression and PTSD.

If you’re applying for psychologist roles, it can be tricky to sum up your work’s impact when writing your CV. But with myPerfectCV, it’s quick and easy. We’ve got everything you need to write a recruiter-ready application, from a top-rated psychologist CV example to our trusted CV builder.


    Download Psychologist CV examples

    CV example for a qualified psychologist

    Examine our UK psychologist CV templates

    Write an eye-catching personal statement for your psychologist CV

    Your personal statement sits at the top of your CV, immediately beneath your contact details. In just 2-3 lines, this section needs to outline your situation, key skills, and career objectives – all while persuading your recruiter to read more.

    Psychologists know what makes people tick, so be sure to include compelling facts that will make it impossible for your recruiter to put your CV aside. Browse our psychologist CV sample to see how it’s done!

    Strategise your CV with our top recruiter tips for business consultancy

    As a psychologist, you understand how people think and feel. Want a CV that makes your recruiter think nothing but good things? Discover our top tips for UK applicants below.

    • Highlight your specialism

      Child psychology, counselling, trauma therapy – there are hundreds of branches of psychology. To make sure your CV is targeted to the role, always highlight your particular specialism. It will save your recruiter from having to guess whether your experience matches the psychologist job description.

    • Quantify your impact

      It can be impossible to sum up the actual impact you’ve had on your patients when writing a CV. But to help quantify your achievements, always include relevant metrics on your application. That could be the average number of patients you saw each week or perhaps an impressive patient recovery record.

    • Proofread your application

      Psychologists need to have an excellent eye for detail – whether they’re analysing a patient or reading psychiatric reports. To show your recruiter you’re up to the task, make sure to proofread your CV. Typos or factual inaccuracies could seriously harm your application!

    • Show some personality

      Psychologists don’t just need specialist knowledge to succeed – they also need the right personal qualities. Your personal statement includes positive adjectives to describe your work ethic, whether you’re ‘confidential’, ‘sensitive’, or ‘observant’.

    • Share your educational achievements

      To become a licensed psychologist in the UK, you need to have an accredited psychology degree. That means it’s essential to include your educational history, including where and when you gained your qualifications.

    What skills should you include in your psychologist CV?

    The skills needed to be a psychologist range from communication to time management. Make sure you’ve got the whole set by using our handy checklist below.

    Necessary skills for your psychologist CV

    • Research
    • Observation and assessment
    • Therapy (e.g., CBT)
    • Teamwork
    • Record keeping
    • Confidentiality

    Nice-to-haves that will help you stand out

    • Leadership
    • Risk assessment
    • Empathy
    • Listening
    • Database maintenance
    • Computer skills

    FAQs about your psychologist CV

    How do I write a CV for psychology?

    When writing a CV for psychology roles, it’s essential to use the correct CV format for psychologists. Follow this structure and make sure to include the following information:

    • A personal statement that outlines your current situation and critical qualities.
    • A work experience section, where you can provide an overview of your responsibilities and achievements.
    • A skills section that lists your top 8 psychologist skills.
    • An education section that confirms you have a psychology degree from an accredited university.

    What skills are required for a psychologist?

    To be a good psychologist, you’ll need the right combination of hard and soft skills. As well as your specialist psychiatric knowledge, these include communication, observation, evaluation, teamwork and leadership, and risk assessment.

    What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

    Psychologists and psychiatrists often work together to treat patients, but there are a number of crucial differences between these professions. While psychiatrists are legally allowed to prescribe medication, psychologists usually use talking therapy to evaluate and treat their patients. Psychologists may also carry out research. These professionals are generally known as clinical psychologists.

    What qualifications do you need to be a psychologist?

    To become a psychologist in the UK, you’ll need the right psychologist qualifications. Before you can get a license to practice, you’ll need a psychology degree from a university accredited by the British Psychological Society (BPS). After that, you may need additional qualifications specific to the branch of psychology you wish to specialise.

    How much does a psychologist make in the UK?

    In the UK, the average psychologist earns £34,192 a year, according to PayScale. An entry-level psychologist may earn around £21,000 a year, while those with more experience could earn over £60,000.

    Create your psychologist CV with our proven CV builder

    There are more than 30,000 psychologists in the UK – so your CV needs to stand out from the crowd. To create your downloadable psychologist CV PDF, check out our trusted CV builder. We’ve got all the templates and text you need to perfect your application today.


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