The skills and experience needed to be a successful bike mechanic are considerable and very specific. So, when applying for a job in this field, you must hone your CV content to show you’re the right person for the position. Our online bike mechanic CV sample is the ideal tool for you to use and will improve your chances of getting to the top of the interview shortlist.

Alongside implementing the following tips and tricks to further your bike mechanic career, we suggest reading through our expert CV examples. Each document offers bundles of content and design inspiration to impress the hiring manager and supercharge your success. What more could you want?

Ready to create a bike mechanic CV? Keep reading as we break down:


    Sample bike mechanic CV


    Ben Worthington 14B Crown Way London W5 0FR 07912345678 Professional summary Practised Bike Mechanic offering strong customer service skills and expertise diagnosing problems based on customer complaints or concerns. Effective in instructing users on proper bike maintenance functions. Skilled in working with teams on addressing special requests for bicycle customisation. Work history April 2021 – Current Cyclshop – London Bike Mechanic

    • Discussed one-off repairs and services to bikes with clients and executed work required.
    • Refurbished old or abandoned bikes for sale.
    • Contacted customers and arranged bike collection using available contact information.
    • Updated stock control systems and requisitioned supplies to replace depleted items.

    February 2016 – March 2021 Two-Wheelz – London Bike Mechanic

    • Carried out pre-delivery inspections and verified correct functionality before deliveries.
    • Listened to customers and recommended solutions aligned with needs, preferences and budgets.
    • Built bikes with meticulous attention to specifications for high levels of customer safety and satisfaction.
    • Assisted customer support teams with product information and general inquiries.


    • Servicing and repairs
    • Inventory control
    • Brake changes
    • Bike mechanics
    • Puncture repairs
    • Cycle workshops
    • Workshop maintenance
    • Bicycle maintenance

    Education 2012 Queen Mary’s High School London GCSEs 10 GCSEs at grades B – C 2015 City & Guilds London Level 2 Certificate in Cycle Mechanics

    Choosing the right format for your bike mechanic CV

    Your chances of clinching a coveted interview spot aren’t solely reliant on content. You must also prioritise the presentation with clearly defined sections, headings, and bullet point lists. Not sure where to start? Check out these popular CV formats – you can’t go wrong with tried and tested blueprints that appeal to hiring managers and ATS software!

    There are two widely accepted layouts in the UK – the reverse-chronological CV and the skills-based CV. The former does exactly what it says on the tin and outlines your employment background, starting from your current or most recent role. On the flip side, the latter spotlights transferable skills, such as “data analysis”, “research”, and “teamwork”.

    So, which is best for bike mechanics? Ideally, the reverse-chronological CV because hiring managers always prefer candidates with a proven track record in repairs and maintenance. Nevertheless, you could use a skills-based CV if you’re a school leaver or apprentice with a sparse career history – just make sure you give tangible examples of your skills.

    What else can make or break a CV? Here are some extra tips:

    • Your CV should only be one to two pages long maximum
    • Use an acceptable CV font like Times New Roman or Calibri
    • Keep the overall tone formal and friendly
    • Avoid images, colours, and tacky typefaces
    • Send your CV as a Word or PDF file unless asked otherwise

    How to write a CV for a bike mechanic

    Many candidates feel stressed and slightly out of their depth when writing a bike mechanic application. We totally understand – your dream job is at stake. Nevertheless, there’s no need to worry. The following sections explain how to write a CV step by step and provide plenty of helpful tips to overcome writer’s block. It’s time to explore:

    Get your thinking cap ready as we run through the following sections:

    Fashion public relations assistant CV education

    When the competition is fierce and you’re up against equally experienced candidates, qualifications boost your chances of success. You can discuss anything that proves you have the fundamental knowledge to meet expectations, such as school, college, and university courses, professional training, and memberships to governing bodies.

    What else do you need to know? Like the work history section, outline your qualifications in reverse chronological order to highlight the most relevant first. Remember, space is limited. You don’t need to note older courses like GCSEs if you’ve completed higher education. Plus, leave out poor grades and incomplete courses. You might have a good reason, but they don’t look particularly impressive at first glance!

    How do you become a fashion public relations assistant? Most candidates study a related subject at college or university, such as Public Relations, Marketing Communications with PR or Public Relations and Corporate Communications. Alternatively, search for an internship to gain some experience and work your way up the career ladder.

    When listing your education, run through:

    • Name of school, college, university, or other awarding body
    • Study start and end dates
    • Subject title
    • Qualification level – e.g. A level or Diploma
    • Qualification result

    Example of education for a fashion public relations assistant CV

    Public Relations Consultants Association | September 2022 – July 2023

    Diploma in Public Relations and Media Management

    How to add contact details to your bike mechanic CV

    The biggest oversight we see time and time again is candidates forgetting to include their most up-to-date contact details. While it might sound obvious, you’d be surprised how many people skip over this crucial step in a rush to tackle the meatier CV sections. We suggest highlighting your information at the top of the page in a slightly larger or bolder font. Note the following:

    • Full name – first name and surname
    • Location – including county and postcode
    • Phone number – mobile is preferable
    • Email address – keep it work-appropriate

    Example of contact section for a bike mechanic CV

    Tom Anderson,

    1 High Street,


    Anycounty, AN18 4HN,

    07777 666 555,

    How to write a personal statement for your bike mechanic CV

    Want to launch yourself miles ahead of the competition? Simply write a persuasive personal statement that ticks all the boxes. This punchy introduction explains why you’re the best person for the job by summarising your top achievements, skills, and qualifications. Sounds easy, right? Unfortunately, there’s a catch – you only have three to four sentences to squeeze in the most important details. Use the trusty formula below to get you started.

    Sentence one reveals more about you as a professional, including years of experience and career focus. Sentence two is your bait – casually mention a jaw-dropping fact or figure to support your claims. By this point, you should have caught the hiring manager’s attention. If not, sentences three and four reiterate your unique skills and areas of expertise for maximum impact. For example, you might work exclusively with BMX race bikes.

    What do we mean by fact or figure? Basically, include hard evidence to prove what you can achieve. For instance, you might have “managed ten bicycle repair shops” or “saved the company £25,000 on parts”. The number doesn’t matter as long as it emphasises your highest accomplishment.

    Here’s some more advice for a powerful personal statement:

    • Write in the third person to sound more professional
    • Stick to the word count – around 50 to 100 words is ideal
    • Sprinkle in some of the keywords from the job advertisement
    • Be authentic – think about what makes you special
    • Don’t tell the employer what you’re looking for – save additional information for the cover letter

    Example of personal statement for a bike mechanic CV

    A professional, Cytec-qualified bike mechanic and dedicated bike enthusiast with extensive knowledge and comprehensive skills in building, servicing, repairing, and overhauling bicycles. Managed six specialist garages and over 100 skilled employees. Able to work on every kind of bike, from children’s to adult bikes, electric cycles, tricycles and tandems. Fully acquainted with the different component sets, such as Shimano and Campagnolo.


    A friendly and customer-focused bike mechanic with over five years of experience. Consistently achieved a 98% customer satisfaction score on complex bicycle repairs. Confident with all the major international models of bikes and various materials used in modern cycle technology, such as carbon fibre and titanium. Superb problem-solving skills to diagnose and repair complex faults. Proficient in wheel building and truing.

    How to present your work history on a bike mechanic CV

    The work history section is the flesh and bones of your bike mechanic CV. Here, you’ll run through your past employment to show the hiring manager exactly what you can achieve. On top of this, it’s a fantastic opportunity to drop in a few sensational statistics and outline how long you typically stay with a company (prepare to explain any career gaps in the interview stage).

    Start from your current or most recent role and note up to six responsibilities for each. We recommend including more detail for relevant positions that reflect the job advertisement. List the following:

    • Job title
    • Employment start and end dates
    • Company name
    • Company location
    • List of duties
    • Workplace achievements

    Above all else, you’re trying to convince the employer you’re a cut above the competition. Consequently, much like the personal statement, provide real-world examples of your success. Let’s say you “delegated work to the team” – can you expand on this? Perhaps you “supervised 150 employees” or “devised a new training handbook that won a national award”. The more specific you can be, the better your chances of landing your dream job!

    Next, don’t bore the reader by repeating yourself – include as many different duties as possible to show them the scope of your capabilities. For example, if you’ve mentioned “test riding new bikes” underneath one position, talk about “liaising with customers” in another. Plus, avoid obvious details that don’t add anything to your CV, such as “answering telephone calls” and “sending emails”.

    Finally, elevate the tone with plenty of positive adjectives and action verbs. You might be “enthusiastic”, “detail-oriented”, and “trustworthy”. Action verbs are far more powerful than “responsible for”. Some of our favourites for bike mechanics include “engineered”, “redesigned”, and “modernised”.

    Example of work experience for a bike mechanic CV

    Head Cycle Mechanic | The Cycle Shop, Bristol | March 2021 – Present

    • Delegating work to the team and training new members.
    • Liaising with customers on repairs.
    • Repairing complex faults.
    • Building and test-riding new bikes ready for customer collection.
    • Ordering specialist parts, saving money where possible.
    • Attending annual cycling events to offer technical support.

    Bike Mechanic | Best Bikes, Liverpool | January 2018 – March 2021

    • Repaired and serviced all kinds of bikes.
    • Built bespoke racing bikes to customers’ specifications.
    • Conducted thorough bike service and safety checks.
    • Managed the shop’s social media page.

    Top skills for your bike mechanic CV

    Employers receive hundreds of applications per job post, so how do you make yours stand out? One way is by listing your most valuable CV skills. These top qualities prove you can hit the ground running by illustrating your transferable and technical knowledge. We advise noting 12 skills in total, split equally between hard skills and soft skills.

    So, what’s the difference? Hard skills are practical and learnt on the job – think “hydraulic brake bleeding”, “replacing electronic shifting systems”, and “wheel building and truing”. In contrast, soft skills are personality-based and much harder to learn. Examples include “time management”, “negotiation”, and “organisation”.

    Our best advice? Don’t include one without the other – hiring managers prefer candidates who can offer the best of both worlds. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are if you’re not confident around customers. On the other hand, friendliness means nothing without tangible tools that help you get the job done.

    Our best advice? Don’t include one without the other – hiring managers prefer candidates who can offer the best of both worlds. It doesn’t matter how experienced you are if you’re not confident around customers. On the other hand, friendliness means nothing without tangible tools that help you get the job done.

    Still confused? Read through the following lists for some inspiration:

    Essential skills for a bike mechanic

    • Thorough understanding of bicycle building and mechanics
    • Able to diagnose and repair complicated faults
    • Can write quotations for insurance purposes
    • Good communicator with a strong team and customer focus
    • Physically fit and strong and able to test ride bicycles

    Desirable aptitudes to set you apart

    • Able to cope with a high workload
    • Can work under pressure without compromising quality
    • Exceptional customer service skills
    • Capable of performing basic tasks on a computer or device
    • Confident upselling products and services

    Outlining education on a bike mechanic CV

    Education is the foundation for experience, reassuring the employer you have the fundamental knowledge to meet expectations. You can talk about school, college, and university degrees, extracurricular training, and memberships to governing bodies. Basically, shout about relevant qualifications that give you the edge over your competitors.

    What shouldn’t you mention? You only need to add detail to your most recent qualifications. If you’ve completed a postgraduate or undergraduate degree, there’s no point in outlining every single GCSE grade. Plus, don’t highlight poor results – such as an F in Maths among other A-C grades.

    What does it take to become a bike mechanic? You can enter this career via a college course, specialist private course, or apprenticeship. The most successful candidates have a “Level 2 Certificate in Cycle Maintenance” on top of Cytec qualifications. Cytec is the industry’s recognised training and accreditation scheme for bicycle mechanics.

    When summarising your education, cover the following:

    • Name of school, college, university, or other awarding body
    • Study start and end dates
    • Subject title
    • Qualification level – e.g. Level 2 certificate or GCSE
    • Qualification result

    Example of education for a bike mechanic CV

    Cytech | October 2022 – June 2023

    Cytec Qualifications: Theory 1, Technical 1, Technical 2, Technical 3

    City & Guilds | September 2020 – September 2022

    Level 2 Certificate in Cycle Mechanics

    Bristol High School | September 2015 – June 20

    10 GCSEs at grades B – C

    Top tips for bike mechanic CV writing


    • DO mention your areas of expertise

      Bike mechanics have many different specialisms, so it’s a good idea to mention your areas of expertise in your personal statement and cover letter. For example, you might repair professional racing bikes or know how to work with certain materials. Giving as much information as possible will help the recruiter guide your CV to the right desks.

    • DO spotlight your qualifications

      The first thing the hiring manager will do when opening your CV is check you have the right qualifications and training. Otherwise, they’re just wasting their time. You could include a “Core Qualifications” section underneath your personal statement to quickly confirm your suitability for the role.


    • DON’T forget your cover letter

      Many companies now request a cover letter alongside a CV. It’s a short one-page document that explains who you are, why you’re interested in the position, and what makes you the ideal candidate. It’s also a brilliant place to add extra information that doesn’t belong in a CV, such as your career ambitions and notice period.

    • DON’T send your CV without spell-checking

      There’s no excuse for poor spelling, especially as there are so many online spell-checkers available at the click of a button. Double-check your work using resources like Grammarly and ask a loved one for feedback. The more people who read your CV, the more helpful advice you’ll receive.


    Your bike mechanic CV questions answered

    What is the job description of a bike mechanic?

    Bike mechanics investigate complex mechanical problems, discuss solutions with customers, and complete high-quality repairs. Some work in specialist sports and racing garages, while others support the general population in retail environments. Every day looks different, but some of the primary responsibilities include:

    • Conducting bike service and safety checks
    • Advising customers on the best bikes for their needs
    • Estimating costs and providing quotes
    • Ordering parts from suppliers
    • Taking bookings and processing paperwork

    What skills do you need to be a bike mechanic?

    As you can imagine, the most successful bike mechanics are meticulous and highly organised – it’s the only way to stay on top of multiple repair jobs. Moreover, they have excellent engineering knowledge to pinpoint issues promptly. Here are some of the skills hiring managers prioritise:

    • Excellent customer service skills
    • Solid understanding of engineering, maths, and technology
    • Good physical fitness (you’ll be lugging around heavy equipment and test-riding bikes)
    • Brilliant attention to detail
    • Ability to use and maintain specialist tools

    How do I get experience as a bike mechanic?

    The best way to gain experience is on the job. Luckily, many companies offer bike mechanic apprenticeships to teach you the tricks of the trade. You can complete the course by itself or alongside additional qualifications, such as a “Level 2 Certificate in Cycle Maintenance”.

    Do you need qualifications to be a bike mechanic?

    Following the above, you don’t necessarily need qualifications to become a bike mechanic. However, you must demonstrate practical skills, whether they’ve been picked up independently or via an apprenticeship. We recommend underlining your hard skills to cement your chances of success.

    Build an interview-winning bike mechanic CV today

    You can build a brilliant CV with our bike mechanic CV sample. This is one of many resources we have online to help job seekers make a lasting impression on prospective employers. Need a bit more guidance? Simply check out our expert CV examples and pre-made CV templates. Don’t delay creating your CV now with our valuable help!


    *The names and logos of the companies referred to above are all trademarks of their respective holders. Unless specifically stated otherwise, such references are not intended to imply any affiliation or association with myperfectCV.