To make a good mechanical technician job application, you will first of all need to produce a well-written CV. Your CV should ideally detail all of your skills in engineering as well as your other technical abilities. Ideally, a well put together work history will highlight your strengths but do so in a way that makes logical sense to the reader.

Therefore, your CV ought to be formatted clearly, creating a professional first impression. Using our free mechanical technician CV template as a starting point, you will be able to present all of your information accurately and effectively. Below, our step-by-step guide takes you through the process of writing an effective CV. It includes:


    Mechanical technician CV sample

    Ben _Worthington_CV_268 (1)

    Ben Worthington

    14B Crown Way, London W5 0FR


    Professional summary

    Dedicated mechanical technician with background in testing and report analysis. Hits productivity targets by optimising and maintaining systems. Responsible planner and risk manager.

    Work history

    January 2018 – Current

    Fliers & Macs – London

    Field Mechanical Technician

    • Maintained mechanical assets to minimise unplanned breakdowns.
    • Tested individual components and functions of equipment to detect root cause of issues.
    • Responded to outages to maximise plant availability.
    • Implemented Integrated Safe System of Work (ISSoW) process.

    February 2010 – December 2017

    Mechs – London

    Rail Mechanical Technician

    • Developed products, components and mechanical devices.
    • Created electro-mechanical assemblies, switch and breaker cabinets.
    • Facilitated high-volume production and packaging lines.
    • Established defect reporting systems and solutions.


    • Pneumatic systems
    • Occupational health and safety
    • Gear boxes
    • Hydraulic systems
    • Bearing maintenance
    • Industrial testing equipment



    University of London London

    NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering

    Choosing the right format for your mechanical technician CV

    Writing your CV in the correct format is essential for making a good impression. Fortunately, there are numerous examples to help you get started, and best of all, it’s easy to get right. The correct CV format to follow in the UK is reverse-chronological order. This means starting with your work history and qualifications with the most recent first.

    Work history is the main part of your CV, following the contact details and personal statement, with a skills list and education section after that. Recruiters prefer this format to give them a quick insight into your experience, background, and capabilities.

    Depending on the level of mechanical technician you’re applying for, using a skills-based format may be appropriate. This lists your skills after the personal statement section and is often suitable for entry-level candidates with little or no prior experience.

    Top tips for mechanical technician CV writing

    • Write a cover letter alongside your mechanical technician CV

      Some recruiters require a supporting cover letter with your CV when applying for mechanical technician jobs. This should include more information about your experience and capabilities with a specific focus on how they fit the job you’re applying for. Don’t repeat your CV word for word. Instead, use real-world examples of your skills and highlight other details, such as interests that may support your application.

    • Read the job description carefully

      If you’re applying for several mechanical technician jobs, no two will be exactly the same. So, reading the job description and person specification is vital to tailor your CV to the role. This ensures your experience, skills, and education carefully match the position to provide the best chance at securing an interview. If you don’t have precisely the right skills for the job, don’t let this put you off. Instead, detail your skills learned in other engineering roles but ensure you relate them to the job.

    • Keep your CV concise

      There’s usually a lot of information to include on your mechanical technician CV. But unfortunately, recruiters don’t have time to read through every last detail about your experience and education. Keep it to one or two pages long, and stick to short sentences and bullet points to fit all the relevant details in.

    • Add your specific expertise

      The world of engineering is a diverse place. So the skills required for mechanical technicians are varied. This presents an opportunity to highlight your expertise in specific areas. For example, if you have worked with large plant machinery, include this in your CV. In addition, if you have experience with CAD software, this is another helpful area for most mechanical technician jobs. However, in each scenario, keep your expertise relevant to the position.

    How to write a CV for a mechanical technician

    Your mechanical technician CV is the best way to showcase your skills and experience. So, it’s vital to include all relevant details about your work history, education and training. However, knowing how to write a CV is the first step in making an impact.

    Below, our guide details how to compile your CV and what information to include:

    Outlining education on a customer service steward CV

    In most cases, there won’t be any educational requirements for this role. However, it would be beneficial to have GCSEs in Maths and English to show you’re up to scratch when managing stock at venues. A Level 2 or 3 Diploma in Customer Service could also be a beneficial qualification to have under your belt.

    You’ll need to include some specific segments in your academic history:

    • The name of the institution you studied at
    • The year you completed the qualification
    • The level of the qualification – e.g., GCSE
    • The course subject or title

    Example education section for a customer service steward CV

    Any College | Anytown – 2008 NVQ Level 2 Certificate in Customer Service.

    Any School | Anytown – 2005 GCSEs: English (C), Maths (C) General Studies (C)

    How to add contact details to your mechanical technician CV

    Your contact details should sit at the top of your mechanical technician CV. This ensures recruiters have immediate access to your information in order to contact you about a job interview and selection process. It’s also essential that these details are correct. Otherwise, you could miss out on a potential job.

    Contact details that should be included are:

    • First name and surname
    • Address – List your full address and postcode
    • Phone number – Include a mobile number or home phone you actually answer
    • Email address – Use a work-appropriate email

    Example of contact section for a mechanical technician

    Peter Johns

    20 Any Road

    Any Town

    Any County

    AT78 9SD

    01209 1234134

    How to write a personal statement for your mechanical technician CV

    The personal statement section is an opportunity to give some insight into your background and experience as a mechanical technician. You have around 3-4 sentences to make a good impression on recruiters. So, opt for positive words and phrases to give a concise evaluation of your skills.

    Our advice on writing a personal statement includes:

    • Write in the third person – this highlights what you offer and can bring to the job
    • Don’t write more than 3-4 sentences
    • Use positive words such as “team player”, “detail-oriented”, and “efficient.”
    • Include skills and achievements such as additional certifications or training
    • Highlight expertise if relevant such as “experience working with plant equipment”

    Example of personal statement for a mechanical technician CV

    A fully qualified mechanical technician with experience in all aspects of mechanical works, including repairs to engines, pumps and escalator systems. Meticulous worker with a passion for problem-solving and making things work better. Also, fabricated parts and components using CAD software where replacements could not be ordered.


    Hard-working mechanical technician with 15 years’ industry experience. Specialises in workshop machinery repairs with an efficient approach to minimise disruption. Meticulous record keeper with an eye for detail when it comes to machinery service history.

    Adding experience section to your mechanical technician CV

    When applying for a mechanical technician role, it’s vital to showcase your existing experience from previous positions. This highlights how well you can do the job and shows recruiters how you might fit into a new role. However, it’s essential to include all relevant details in this section to give an overview of your work history.

    The work history section should include the following:

    • Start and end date
    • Job title, employer and location
    • List 3-6 duties per job

    While it’s vital to include as much as possible in this section, it’s also important not to waffle or overlap information. To ensure you fit everything in, avoid repeating duties from job to job. Instead, cover all bases. For example, mention working on CAD software in one position and installing equipment in another.

    Example of work experience for a mechanical technician CV

    Rail Mechanical Technician | Manchester, May 2009 – Present

    • Responsible for overseeing planned maintenance inspections of signalling equipment over weekend shifts.
    • Developed new inspection processes to speed work up whilst ensuring works complied with railway health and safety legislation.
    • Trained several junior members of the team to keep records of servicing up to date and to validate repairs.

    Field Mechanical Technician | Bolton, February 2002 | April 2008

    • Responsible for on-site inspections of all sorts of plants in the north west of England, planning works in the most cost effective way.
    • Serviced highly advanced equipment, such as robotic machinery being used on paint production lines.
    • Wrote reports and customer feedback on both computer and paper, producing technical drawings when necessary.

    Great skills to add on your mechanical technician CV

    The role of a mechanical technician is varied, and so are the skills required for the job. This means individuals must possess a diverse set of attributes to be able to carry out this position well. It’s also important to showcase them in your CV skills section. This gives recruiters an idea of your competencies and ability to take on new challenges.

    Some key skills to include on your mechanical technician CV are:

    Essential skills for a mechanical technician

    • Knowledge of engineering principles and technology
    • Familiar with machinery and tools
    • Quality control
    • Monitoring operation
    • Service record keeping

    Desirable aptitudes to set you apart

    • Attention to detail
    • Problem solving skills
    • CAD software knowledge
    • Ability to work under pressure
    • Adaptability

    Outlining education on a mechanical technician CV

    Mechanical technicians require a high level of education in the engineering field. Most jobs require a degree in an engineering-related subject or training via an apprenticeship with relevant vocational qualifications.

    To highlight your education, this section should include the following details:

    • School, college, university or training provider
    • Year of qualification
    • Level of qualification, for example, NVQs, BSc Hon
    • Subject or course title – you don’t need this for high school courses

    Example education section for a mechanical technician

    Example Training Institute, Anytown, 2007-2008

    Level 2 Certificate in Mechanical Engineering

    Example College, Anytown, 2004-2007

    (NVQ) Diploma in Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering, Level 3

    City and Guilds in Engineering Skills (1155)

    Any School, Anytown, 2000-2004

    GCSEs: Maths, English, Technology, Art and Science


    Your mechanical technician questions answered

    What are the duties of a mechanical technician?

    A mechanical technician job is varied, and day to day, there are numerous duties undertaken. This depends on the environment you work in, but there are some similarities across industries, such as:

    • Installing parts and components
    • Diagnosing faults and performing tests
    • Repairing and maintaining equipment and machinery
    • Optimising mechanical efficiency
    • Designing parts and components via computer design software

    What are the skills for a mechanical technician?

    Mechanical technicians are required to have a range of skills learned from education and previous work experience. This enables an individual to handle a wide range of scenarios. Skills needed include:

    • Knowledge of machines, equipment and tools
    • Problem-solving skills
    • Analytical skills
    • Communication skills
    • Attention to detail
    • Dexterity

    What is the qualification of a mechanical technician?

    Most mechanical technicians need a higher level of education, such as an NVQ Level 2 or 3 certificate in Mechanical Engineering. Some jobs also require a degree in an engineering-related subject.

    What industry do mechanical technicians work in?

    Mechanical technicians work across a variety of sectors and environments. Most often, you will work in an engineering or manufacturing position in areas such as water, gas, electricity, rail, defence, chemicals, food processing, and automotive.

    Engineer your own mechanical technician CV

    With our help, you can have your CV working like a well-oiled machine. Alongside our CV examples, you can use our online builder to make a great CV in a matter of minutes. Start by choosing a CV template that’s suitable for mechanical technician positions, then filter content by job type to find duties and skills that match your experience.


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