If you are looking for a job as a sheet metal worker, then your CV must show how your skills and experience to date come together to make you the perfect candidate. Your CV is the first opportunity you have to demonstrate what you have already achieved and how much potential you have. The words must jump off the page and persuade the recruiting team that you deserve an interview.

There are many different styles and formats used for sheet metal worker CV examples. Before preparing your own, look at some others and pick one that you feel most comfortable with. The sheet metal worker CV sample here shows one effective way of doing it.

The advice and resources below give you everything you need to create your own effective CV, including pre-made CV templates as a blueprint for your application. The following sections cover:


    Sample sheet metal worker CV

    David_Dunne_CV_295 (2)

    David Dunne

    8 Holgate Rd, Bristol BS2 9NF



    Professional summary

    Hands-on Sheet Metal Worker with background in repair and maintenance work. Strives for high standard of work, inspecting processes and finished products to identify defects and bottlenecks. Confident communicator with manual dexterity adheres to health and safety procedures.

    Work history

    February 2020 – Current

    Air Strong Air Conditioning – Bristol

    Sheet metal worker

    • Ensured client satisfaction, conducting final quality inspections to verify conformance with specifications.
    • Optimised welding equipment performance through ongoing maintenance and calibration.
    • Used hand tools and portable power tools to trim, file, buff and smoothen surfaces to specifications.

    February 2017 – January 2020

    JLC Sheet Metal – Bristol

    Sheet metal worker

    • Maintained a clean and safe working environment, ensuring adherence to safety practices and procedures across all tasks.
    • Safely and responsibly operated diverse equipment, including metal shaping, folding, bending and polishing machines.
    • Unloaded and stored raw material deliveries, applying safe storage and transportation practices to eliminate material damage.


    • TIG and MIG welding
    • Polishing
    • Sheet metal drafting
    • Metal work
    • Calibration schedules
    • Architectural sheet metal knowledge



    Bristol College Bristol

    A-Levels Engineering (A), Maths (A), and Physics (C)

    Choosing the right format for your sheet metal worker CV

    The first step towards crafting an eye-catching sheet metal worker CV is choosing a structure that showcases your proudest accomplishments and top skills in a favourable light. Professional CV formats can make all the difference, setting your application apart in a highly competitive field.

    Why are CV formats so essential? Employers won’t consider messy applications that show little thought – a poorly presented CV gives a terrible first impression. Plus, CV reading programmes struggle to decipher sloppy sections, unclear headings, and illegible fonts.

    So, which format is best for a sheet metal worker CV? There are two widely accepted structures to choose from – the reverse-chronological CV and the skills-based CV. We suggest using the former because most employers prefer applicants with tangible experience.

    As the name suggests, a reverse-chronological CV outlines your professional background, starting from your current or most recent role. You can talk about apprenticeships, internships, part-time positions, temporary contracts, and volunteering alongside full-time employment.

    You might be able to use a skills-based CV, depending on the industry. For instance, sheet metal workers who construct one part of a unit on an assembly line require less experience than those who install products on a construction site. Here, highlight umbrella skills like “health and safety”, and then give examples of tasks you can perform underneath each.

    As a rule, your sheet metal worker CV should be one to two pages long maximum and typed in a professional font, such as “Arial”, “Times New Roman”, or “Calibri”. Unless asked otherwise, send your application as a Word or PDF document.

    Get your sheet metal worker CV right with our proven tips

    • Include a cover letter if required

      Many recruiters will only accept applications with a thoughtful cover letter cover letter. Not only is it a chance to introduce yourself, but you can give a captivating overview of your career history to date. Cover letters also allow you to inject a little personality – while CVs are ultra-professional, cover letters can expand on your career goals and interests.

    • Mention your career goals

      Talking of career goals, we suggest mentioning them in your personal statement. Some sheet metal workers are happy to stay in the factory and perform singular tasks on the assembly line, but others are interested in progression. Outline your career expectations from the get-go so hiring managers can do their best to support your ambitions.

    • Highlight your niche

      As mentioned, there are many specialisms in sheet metal working. There’s no point in applying for an installation position if you mostly deal with balancing and testing. Employers search for different skills, depending on the niche – to make their lives easier, highlight your area of expertise in your personal statement.

    • Spotlight core qualifications

      Spotlight your core qualifications at the top of your CV to quickly reassure employers that you have the correct credentials for the role. For instance, you might note your “City & Guilds (2800) Certificate in Engineering 1&2” between the personal statement and employment history section.

    • Double-check for errors

      Of course, you should double-check your sheet metal worker CV for spelling errors before sending your application. Run the text through a free spell checker and ask friends, family members, or colleagues to give you feedback.

    How to write a CV for a sheet metal worker

    Above all else, you should keep CV writing simple. Use short sentences and plain English to cover key points about your competencies and experience. Even with that said, creating a compelling CV can feel daunting. That’s why we’ve curated some of the best CV writing tips to simplify the process.

    Wondering how to write a CV for a sheet metal worker that’ll catch the reader’s attention? The subsequent guidance demystifies:

    Get education right on your medical student’s CV

    Medical students must have a first or upper-second-class honours degree to pursue a career in medicine. In your education section, you’ll highlight your qualifications for the job. This is your moment to show that you have the educational background that makes you suitable for the position. It’s worth noting that this section is especially important for a skills-based CV, as it can make up in your lack of hands-on experience.

    Add relevant qualifications

    It’s vital that you include relevant qualifications that bolster your CV. Depending on the job role in question, you may need to outline your entire education history – from GCSEs all the way up to higher education. Your degrees are most likely going to be the most important qualifications for you to add, and as such, they can take up the most room on your CV.

    Don’t go too far back

    When we say you may be required to add your entire education history – it’s important to only add qualifications that strengthen the image of you as a candidate. For example, let’s say you completed GCSEs in Physics, Biology, and Drama. The science qualifications are going to be much stronger than the drama qualification – so you can leave the latter off of the list. Always focus on relevant qualifications when possible.

    List your qualifications in reverse-chronological order

    It’s important to list your education history in reverse-chronological order. This means that you will always list your most recent (and probably most impressive) qualifications first. Here is an example for you to follow:

    • School, college, university or training provider
    • Year of qualification
    • Level of qualification, for example, BSc (Hons), MSc
    • Subject or course title – you don’t need this for high school courses

    Example of education for medical student CV

    Medical Training Centre, 2020-2023 General Practice Training
    Hull University | 2017-2020 BSc Medical Sciences (2.1)
    Middlesborough College | 2015-2017 A-Levels: Biology (A), Chemistry (B), Mathematics (B), Physics (A).

    What contact details should I include in my sheet metal worker CV

    Adding up-to-date contact details is so obvious that it’s easy to forget – it’s surprising how many people skip over this step! You must include your most current information so employers can invite you to the interview stage. Include the following at the top of your sheet metal worker CV:

    • Full name
    • Location
    • Phone number
    • Professional email address

    Example of contact section for a sheet metal worker CV

    John Blogget
    20 Bessemer Avenue
    Smelton, SM02 4JS
    01259 39568

    How to write a personal statement for your sheet metal worker CV

    If you want to stand out from the crowd and encourage the employer to learn more, you need an award-winning personal statement that summarises your best qualities and achievements. You only have three to four short sentences (or 50 to 100 words) to ignite the reader’s interest, so every word matters!

    Here’s our top advice to keep in mind when putting pen to paper:

    • DO use positive adjectives like “passionate” and “motivated”
    • DO lead with action verbs such as “spearheaded” and “oversaw”
    • DON’T include jokes that undermine your professionalism
    • DON’T copy someone else’s personal statement online
    • DON’T include non-relevant information

    Another tip is to include plenty of facts and figures to support your skills. For example, instead of saying you “upgraded machinery”, explain how you “upgraded a company’s heating machinery, improving energy efficiency and saving costs of £50,000 annually”. The more in-depth you can be, the more impressive you’ll sound.

    Example of personal statement for a sheet metal worker CV

    Experienced sheet metal worker used to working in busy factory conditions. Able to operate well both in a team and independently. Possess good communication skills, as well as excellent physical fitness and strength. Adaptable to enable deadlines to be met. Proficient in marking out sections, working from drawings, and cutting using hand tools, computerised presses, and rollers.


    Skilled sheet metal worker with over a decade of experience, including using CNC cutting machines to smooth rough edges with grinders and polishes. Can assemble sections using bolting, welding, and riveting. Spent time working as a plater in many different types of metals, including mild steel, brass, stainless steel, copper, and aluminum alloys. Aware of safety procedures and always make sure these are adhered to.

    How to present your work history on a sheet metal worker CV

    The work history section usually takes the most time to complete, and for good reason. It’s a treasure trove of crucial information for hiring managers, including how long a candidate typically stays with a company, whether they show consistent progression, and their key strengths.

    • Job title
    • Employment start and end dates
    • Company name
    • Company location
    • Primary duties – between three to six for each role

    Before diving into your career background, it’s a good idea to re-read the job description – all information should be relevant and tailored to the employer’s needs. Plus, note specialist responsibilities underneath each role to give you a competitive edge. Fabrication sheet metal workers could talk about their proficiency with metal-cutting software. Installation sheet metal workers should reiterate their experience with heating ducts, metal roofs, and guttering.

    Additionally, avoid repetition to show the hiring manager the scope of your capabilities. If you’ve noted “riveting plates” underneath one position, then focus on “cutting sections” in another. Offering a buffet of strengths will prove that you’re a well-rounded and multi-talented individual!

    Lastly, break up monotonous text with action verbs. You weren’t “responsible for” cutting metal – you “operated” machinery, “produced” sheets, and “engineered” products. These power words sound much more enthusiastic and energetic.

    Example of work experience for a sheet metal worker CV

    Sheet metal worker | Air Strong Air Conditioning, Birmingham | May 2019 – present

    • Cutting metals sections for air conditioning shafts
    • Assembling shaft sections together on-site
    • Finessing finished conditioning shafts by removing sharp and rough edges.

    Sheet metal worker | JLC Sheet Metal, Birmingham | January 2015 – May 2019

    • Preparing metal sections from technical drawings and cutting out;
    • Preparing cut sections for assembly.
    • Riveting plates together.

    Skills worth having on your sheet metal worker CV

    Cinching the sheet metal worker job of your dreams is easy when you have a glittering CV skills section that rounds up your most valuable qualities. It’s an opportunity to shout about what makes you unique using an eclectic medley of hard and soft skills.

    Hard skills are technical and job-specific, such as “cutting metal”, “operating machinery”, and “welding sheets”. In contrast, soft skills are transferable and non-specific, like “problem-solving”, “organisation”, and “detail-oriented”. Want your sheet metal worker CV to dazzle decision-makers? We recommend including up to 12 skills in total split equally between the two.

    While it’s tempting to lift skills directly from the job specification, this doesn’t give off the best impression. Recruiters prefer to see individuality and authenticity in applications – if they think you might be fibbing, they won’t give you a second chance!

    Above all else, let your personality shine through. Many candidates stuff their CVs with hard skills, which often sounds unnatural and forced. Remember to reassure the employer that you’d be a good fit for the team by including soft skills like “friendly” and “helpful”.

    Stuck for ideas? Draw inspiration from these essential and nice-to-have skills:

    Essential skills for a sheet metal worker

    • Mechanical skills, such as operating machinery
    • Good hand-eye coordination
    • Excellent physical fitness
    • Brilliant mathematical skills
    • Knowledge of health and safety procedures

    Desirable aptitudes to set you apart

    • Driving licence
    • Proficiency in using metal-cutting software
    • Problem-solving abilities
    • Confident with power tools
    • Able to work independently

    How to add education to your sheet metal worker CV

    Employment history is always more impactful when backed up by a solid education – qualifications will help you stand out against equally experienced candidates. It’s important to note that you can discuss all kinds of courses alongside traditional qualifications. Even if you haven’t been to college or university, you might’ve completed equally attractive special licences, health and safety training, or certificates while working.

    How do you become a sheet metal worker? The route into this career depends on the industry and specialism. Some employers prefer candidates with a degree in Engineering. Others accept applicants with foundational GCSEs in English, Maths, Science, and IT. Read the job ad carefully before applying so you know what credentials employers are searching for.

    Aspiring sheet metal workers could also sign-up for an apprenticeship, which usually lasts around four to five years. Here, students undergo practical and theoretical training to prepare them for the world of work.

    When outlining your education, run through the following:

    • Name of school, college, university, or other awarding body
    • Study dates
    • Course title
    • Qualification level – e.g. GCSE or diploma
    • Qualification result

    Example of education for a sheet metal worker CV

    City & Guilds London, 2008
    (2800) Certificate in Engineering 1&2

    Birmingham College, 2006 – 2008
    3 A levels: Engineering (A), Maths (A), and Physics (C)

    Birmingham High School, 2001 – 2006

    • GCSE Maths
    • GCSE English
    • GCSE Technical Drawing
    • GCSE Chemistry

    Your sheet metal worker CV questions answered

    What skills do you need to be a sheet metal worker?

    Sheet metal workers must employ various mental and physical aptitudes to excel at their job. While the skills depend on the specialism and place of employment, a few crossovers include:

    • Strength and stamina
    • A knack for mathematics
    • Confident using machinery
    • Detail-oriented
    • Excellent motor skills

    What does a sheet metal technician do?

    Every day looks different when you’re a sheet metal worker unless you apply for an assembly line position in a factory (there’s equal value in repetition and routine). Daily responsibilities might include:

    • Installing metal products, including ventilation systems and guttering
    • Operating complex metal cutting tools
    • Reading and implementing work specifications
    • Measuring, marking, and welding metal sheets
    • Using fabrication software

    Is a sheet metal job hard?

    Sheet metal working is challenging but incredibly rewarding. As you’ll spend a large portion of the day on your feet, it pays to have an excellent fitness level. You’ll also need problem-solving skills to complete tasks, so expect to flex the most vital system in your body – the brain!

    How do you write a good CV if you have no experience?

    While you might think you have no experience, that’s rarely the case. You can talk about apprenticeships, volunteering, and other non-traditional roles in place of full-time employment. If you’re a recent school leaver or graduate with a sparse career history, consider using a skills-based CV that sells your potential.

    Use our online tools to create an eye-catching sheet metal worker CV

    This sheet metal worker CV example should give you a great insight into how to produce a hard-hitting CV of your own. You can look through a range of CV examples for different manufacturing jobs and then use pre-made CV templates that are ideal for sheet metal workers. Once you’re ready, select from our professionally written content to fill out your CV.


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