A brilliant door supervisor CV highlights your versatility and ability to remain calm under pressure. Within a simple but effective CV template, you will make clear reference to your industry qualifications, experience, skills, and any relevant qualifications such as health and safety or management certifications.

Start with editing this Door supervisor CV template, or explore our range of professional CV templates to find one that meets your requirements.


    Door supervisor CV sample

    Experienced door supervisor example CV

    Door supervisor CV templates

    Recruiter tips for winning door supervisor CVs

    A successful door supervisor CV makes a professional first impression and ticks the boxes for recruiters, here’s what they are looking out for:

    • Relevant career history

      You may have had a rich career history in irrelevant roles to the role of door supervisor that you’re currently applying for. In this case, pull out the relevant and transferable skills from those older roles and add to the skill section. For example, people skills from a cashier role will transfer into this role.

    • Attention to detail

      Check your spelling and grammar using a spell check facility like the one built into our builder. Showing you have high personal standards and that you pay attention to detail will make you an attractive candidate.

    • Details of qualification

      If you have qualifications or certificates in security, make sure you shout about them! Perhaps you have a background in MMA or other martial arts, don’t be shy about sharing the qualifications, or recreational awards that you’ve earned if they relate to door supervisor work.


    Learn how to build a door supervisor CV with answers to these common questions

    What should be included in a door supervisor CV?

    A door supervisor CV should consist of your name and contact details at the top. It should also contain a personal statement or professional summary section, in which you should outline your essential skills and relevant experience. The CV should also include more detailed areas on relevant work history, education, and skills.

    What are the primary responsibilities of a door supervisor?

    Door supervisors are typically stationed at the entrance to a building or business. Their duties include checking the people entering the building, which may consist of carrying out ID checks or physical checks for any concealed prohibited items or substances. Door supervisors may also need to escort people out of the building.

    What are the top qualities of a door supervisor?

    Door supervisors need to be attentive individuals with a strong understanding of security and a keen eye for detail. They have to be able to stay calm in high-pressure situations and usually require strong communication skills. Physical strength and problem-solving skills can be helpful for this kind of work too.

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