As the first line of defence in a medical emergency, paramedics need to combine the communication and care of a nurse with the medical expertise of a doctor – all while on the go. These skills are paired with the composure and fast decision making that allows them to take the right steps in an immediate crisis, whether that’s emergency treatment, pain relief or a quick diagnosis.

With a range of professional paramedic CV samples, we can show you how to strike that balance and back it all up with your valuable experience. You can then take steps to build your own paramedic CV with polished templates.


    Download Paramedic CV examples

    Experienced paramedic CV example

    View our paramedic CV templates

    Precision, clarity, and professionalism are all must-haves for your paramedic CV. You can get all of that with our professional CV templates. Choose from a range of styles that will relay your experience, skills, and personal information perfectly for recruiters.

    Write a life-saving application with our top recruiter tips for your paramedic CV

    As a paramedic, you’ll know the importance of experience and training. The same is true when it comes to writing your CV. Take a look at these tips to see how the professionals do it, so you can give your CV the right treatment where it’s needed.

    • Demonstrate your teamwork and leadership skills

      Paramedics need to work effectively as part of a team and make decisions alone where necessary. Include examples that demonstrate both – whether you’ve supported student paramedics on call responded to a large accident as part of a paramedic team or had to care for a patient when driving alone.

    • Mention the numbers

      Did you reach a patient in record time? Or provide care to a group of six people at the scene of an accident? If so, mention the numbers. Providing figures will help your recruiter to quantify your achievements and help your CV stand out from the other applicants.

    • Include specific examples

      One of the best ways to show off your achievements is by including specific examples on your CV. Whether you’ve responded to road accidents, injuries at a school, or somebody going into labour, different emergencies can require hugely different skills. By including a range of examples, you can show exactly where your experience lies.

    • Highlight your technical training

      From ambulance maintenance to medical machine operation, paramedics have to know how to handle the job’s technical aspects – often very quickly and under extreme pressure. Use your CV to highlight your specialist technical training.

    • Show off your people skills

      Paramedics need to be able to reassure and help people in the most stressful of circumstances. Show your recruiter you have what it takes by using positive, uplifting adjectives to describe your work ethic in the personal statement section of your CV. Good examples could include ‘calm’, ‘confident’, ‘empathetic’, or ‘sensitive’.

    What skills should you include on your paramedic CV?

    Paramedics require a diverse skillset to respond to emergencies and deliver care or medical attention on-site.

    Must-have skills for your paramedic CV

    • First aid
    • CPR and airway management
    • Administration of medication
    • Excellent people skills
    • Ability to use medical equipment
    • Valid driving licence

    Additional skills that will help you stand out

    • Knowledge of a second language
    • Vehicle maintenance skills
    • Record-keeping
    • In-depth knowledge of road and medical laws
    • Ability to work alongside police
    • Resilience under pressure

    Top FAQs about your paramedic CV

    What is the main role of a paramedic?

    A paramedic is responsible for responding to emergencies, providing urgent medical care to people and transporting them to hospital in an ambulance. They have to respond to a huge variety of different scenarios – from road accidents and heart attacks to somebody with a suspected broken bone – all while remaining calm and giving people clear instructions.

    Which is an important personal skill for a paramedic?

    Paramedics need to have excellent people skills. An essential personal skill is the ability to communicate with patients effectively while under extreme pressure. They must be able to reassure patients who may be incredibly distressed and keep them engaged in conversation to calm them down. This can also involve dealing with aggressive people – for example, if they need to respond to cases of abuse or the outbreak of a fight.

    What qualifications does a paramedic need?

    A paramedic usually has a Bachelor of Science degree in Paramedic Science or Paramedic Practice. However, it’s also possible to study a paramedic apprenticeship. People who successfully pass this apprenticeship can become paramedics without studying an undergraduate degree, so if you don’t think that university is the right choice for you, there is another option if you want to become a paramedic.

    What A-levels do I need to be a paramedic?

    The right A-levels are likely to depend on your chosen undergraduate course (or apprenticeship) and its entry requirements. That said, most paramedics have a range of scientific A levels such as Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. This is similar to the qualifications a medic might need to study Medicine at university. Other relevant A level courses can include Sports Science and Maths.

    Do paramedics get paid well?

    The paramedic role can be incredibly stressful and is not the right career for somebody who’s simply in it for the money! A typical starter salary for a UK paramedic is around £24,000 or £25,000, while newly qualified paramedics who have been working for a couple of years could earn between £31,000 and £37,000. Senior consultant paramedics can earn around £70,000.

    Breathe new life into your paramedic CV

    To take the next step in your paramedic career, a professional CV is crucial. With myPerfectCV, you can use our tried & tested CV builder to create your best possible application. Choose from our range of expert templates, text, and top tips for a CV that will stand out to recruiters for all the right reasons.


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